
How about talking something else...what I gonna do, just landing the first day on the ground in Ireland? I think the airplanes goes to England or ireland, if I transfer?

I see the Ireland, but I don't know the ticket exactly location when they stop. Its not my first time flying to Europe. 

You know I got a Taiwan car driving license, here we require a school before the license. So that can be the international liscence, not I apply in America, all starting the same local culture.

Oh, you want land to where? Not Ireland ?



I thought she SMCH is in Tawian these main ashram, she might be running back and forth too. She used to live in Menton, or one of those Vegan Austria.

She has one of those attitude....

1. ABC

2. Everyone speaking to blend in Europe, she was in England, German and France.

3. With the money

4. Attitude like hers

5. Feeling no one around, one of those garbage things.

6. The common things all she can ever do, not I will EVER do.


Someone's missionary require another person to keep accompany.

She supposes to lasting another 10 years, for training one of them in her own groups, or few of them during this time? 

I never say I am not around. I am right where it is here for 6 long years, never leave.



You know, we 2 have totally different career, eating together on the same table.

Her expectation from the money where it is from. My money audience from the money where it is from.  Getting a donation, that is a job.....you know what people's desk today receive?

A office depot shredder those container.



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