
I don't usually use the alcohol wipe on my hand. I washing the floor, I go to the soap and rinse the water down? Keep washing it? with the water. BUT BUT BUT.....sometimes,...

The girls we have this nail, or toe nails, I have no idea how the big toe how to process it, I open the nail, the disinfect at those bathing water. 

But that is under the water.

In the finger itself, I use these alcohol wipe at these nail and skin in between?" Like per finger 2 side, and the upper, these sensitive peeled off skin scenario? I don't do that often, too sensitive if the alcohol too strong the upper.

But those 2 side of the nails, I do that not that often, but I am doing that on my toe, the foot of every nails. These foot every nails never got fix really. I keep soaking, open, soaking....there is nothing else, just like the pelvic urine parts. Soaking, washing, I already washing more than 3 times a day. I cannot keep just living inside the water?

I cannot really imagine I gonna be with the guys, but I am cope with it? Right now its just invisible, oh my God, if its visible, I might really live in the water? 

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