
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ In my life when I was in America, the girls don't have that many jobs options. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ I mean like the waitor, the meat grocery, or gasoline to sell alcohol or smoking those cigerrete. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’

That is by a will choice.

So one day, you might just start to hear me, you have a job on the jobs, training them on their speaking ability, training them on to going to the tax building, or the annual car liscence plate, the annual things they cared about, you stand outside the building 2 mins until they finish inside building whichever they have to be there.

Sometimes help them on the hospital.

The upper town girl?

You girls lost your IQ in a very younger year, meaning that superficiality in that flip moment, the guys gradually forget, his presence to you, like the last time he saying what to you, you imagine you know, or you imagine you hear. 

They never never imagine it was your IQ is just really low in the education or in the family background. Low IQ women bracket tend not to have a will, but you will die soon with those superificality smile too much, line and square keep losing this gravity in the Victoria Secret.

You don't polish the guy, because those faces need to keep the smile.

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