
Like me finding Eben a Date?

He is the type usually shake off his head, like those moment.  That is a real Black, or I imagine what I think I saw?  In Austin Walsh, no...the Chicago Walsh, not Leowis Walsh, that is the same last name, how coincident! 

No I mean that Chicago Walsh. He has a son name Austin Walsh, there was a Black guy. He does something like the draft for Obama, or he knew whom did. That We can all that? Copy writing.

Thin. Positive talking tone at least in most manner I can see him. 

A date?

Get out my life, really. 

Then this Jason if my brother, it should be that guy in the Olympia Ice Skating, that is an Indian, not Black. Its the money, or its that look?

Pang, my brother I think he only has the money inside his head, really. He likes the guy, but I think its the money first. He plans his whole life with a per digit saying how many years to arrive the next final destination?

How come I didn't grow to be that evolutionary advanced inside my brain?  Whatever I can hear, I am pretty sure what he likes myself. 


Jason Cross.....Disney High School Musical

Cross like American religion things? On the necklace I put on the Lords of Ring, its selling when you rise your head up, when I found out the piles of the rings stuffs? I need something to hold those rings at?

That is not Cross, that is above it my eyes shift up, those are all fake gold, but they are in the strings after strings necklace hanging there, full wall.

I snatch the cross string gold necklace my back straight up looking straight, snatch and put those things on and pays?

Jason Cross, an Indian?


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