
Long time ago .... "How to become famous"

The local church Sunday in the adult session, they have very very old people they always dress up the hang at the Church those 套頭 church formal outfit.  By the Christmas, they might have something.

But normally the local high school, have these Christmas Concert if they have a singing choir or a group. Or in most America high school has a marching band. Martin's host brother and Joseph from NSYNC those war, God give me a little more time.

Its a marching band they practice side by us the Madrical. Different sounding prove classroom? There is a need with a piano in it. They are the drums and trumphet.


In the school setting, there are many opportunities you can hold a microphone. That was while you growing up the elementary school, the middle school or the high school. Like a few min deliver a saying in front of the whole class. We don't change the classroom, so you learn how to stand in front of the 40 -50 people.

You can do that in America more of the military they are fighsty within themselves.  I am sure you all know you are speaking the native English, unless you imagine to becoming one of those Taiwan Youtuber Ku from France idea. 

In some of the University, some requirement has its the public speaking. You can take that class, and many opportunities to deliver a speech. Now you can just hop on the IPad and make a full channel no one looking at it.

You mean you trying to speak in English I assume that is what you mean. Sing in English, talk something in English, not the rudimentary subjects (?).

Deliver a speech

Normally in the more formal idea, you have an ice breaker. One of those humor makes a dull ice breaking apart in front of the public interests....then you bring out the several paragraph how you stand there 50 mins?

You might just bring yourself the 2 or 3 pages reading it by points, summarize each listing ...most time you can just insert a daily life stories, or somewhere you reading that Bible verse in the morning (they have this Hallmark, Thank you, YOU ALL precious moment Bible reciting cards every morning toiletry for? )  How the Lord helping them each incident in life, where the turn of all that exit were vivid, the car break down, there is triple A.

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