
NASA - The Water dew dropped. Kung Fu Panda. To the leafy....Seen it?


Which frame do you see? 





3:44-7 Money fence, money cliff


I still don't know all these years pass, where you all really looking at it, at all. For sure it will NEVER be Mahavatar Babaji, he knew that. 

A water dew is that the water, or the dew?

Is that the wind blows or it just dropped?

A drop acid? The sulfuric acid your general in chemistry lab, your first lab will always be the hazard waste definition and tell me....what do they tell you the EVERY first class of the lab? Especially this the sulfuric acid and ??

Only if you FOREVER taken the general chemistry 101.

What is that? The First Lab they suppose to be telling the hazard waste ...not hazard heat waste?  One of that teacher amazing experiment you seen? Why is he anything to do with what I just describe to you, the very first Lab class every University supposes to be teaching almost identical thing.  - The Hazard Waste, not the hazard waste Heat? 

Imagine how Russian human they ever failed their own human on the cell theory and waste heat.

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