
No, the guy's strength are very big. Like how do you washing a patience's teeth, like these sink, you have a table that is wood, before touching that metal rim, the sink, or the top of the sink?

If its the stainless steel, you rinse slowly the metal surface, you show the guy, the entire surface, how he might just scrab them with the soap already, let's say he did that. Then if he finished, I say, here its I finish the rest of the jobs. I start to rinse....rinsing, rinse, rinsing, rinse, rinsing.....you use your left hand closure that metal topper of that junction, not water flowing out, but you keep rinse, rinsing, cold or warm water....I have no idea how much this guys using the soap for....they use their kitchen soap. So when they are done. I am done.

I re-do this, I use the alcohol wipe the entire surface especially the metal surface. 

Now with the alcohol solution, or wipe?

I use the alcohol solution, and then wipe. No those are powerful enough. Its not the idea like the soap, you seeing all these foam? You like the foam? 

I like the colorless, the peroxide or the alcohol. There is a forward, how the dental office doesn't smell from the hospital those chlorine, its they use the peroxide. 

But alcohol and peroxide has no color in it. Alcohol evaporate, but peroxide cannot stay on the skin, so you can wipe again with the water. You making those solution at home with these plastic bottle you buy in the dollar store.  The pet using this White distilled vinegar to 50: 50 solution statue.

I do those solution mix back and forth. Nick use Apple cyder vinegar, I never stop him. He uses that those fruits skin he eats it down. I NEVER eat anything of anything he buys.

Apple or pears, I don't care about this apple cyder vinegar, I NEVER correct him, so after 10 years, he is still doing the same thing. There is no use. He never listen a thing I told him.

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