
Now I tell you my works I Ching related....it might this 100 years never open, or things have to be observed....meaning

If we open this BTX, you 2 cannot stay anywhere near Asia. Leave. Stay where they tell you to stay, you will be found.

If we don't open this BTX, where you seeing how we keep going living on life 10 long years, that is fine. But we might have an eternal communication, they say they cannot tolerant that, and Simon might die because you leave. Or either one of you both die when you separate.

Or you both taken to a different space upper world separated. Zawanna they will have a reason for saying that, when you decide to talk and open. The medical Board currently they can just evaluate the situation, I have no idea. 

I will? Agree with Zawanna.

3 of us have something in common, and Zawanna didn't need to tell me. If I turn my angle to look at Simon but right now you all living a happy big life, if you want.

That time comes, I will side with Zawanna on you two cases.

Am I a guy?


Will I becoming a guy?


Do you think you were a guy?

.... I don't need to answer that, I don't really know the Past for saying the first reference living records.

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