
Page 4 - Its "I added myself in you all acknowledge UB saying next by Pete", I added myself in this time at 39 age, not before

I never thought that Prince William might be with his dad counting on their own asset, or that Mask of unmask Yellow or White strips, its by that percentage just seeing it, its wrong wrong wrong.


Meaning Prince William still young. I don't see why he is too unhappy he didn't think his age has a problem to be at.....?!! Too early to think the retirement?  

You don't imagine this image looks wrong starting the 90s, if someone made a point at the Princess Diary or the Queen Evaluation the Tiffany Breakfast to start, that believing the movie is real, that entire evaluation are shaken.

To how it was....meant the money, or the financial indicator. I will be telling you, any financial institution all just prefer, that is the only hearing case. However they searching the new database from the Law Vendor idea, to where I landing my every cases says. 



The attitude or the appearance often deceive others. Not think so?  But one thing they might just finding it so true at my birth, there might be a simple reason, they just move over this property line to the military saying so when my grandpa still alive. 

Whichever reason, I am so near.

Amazing Here. (Taiwan Taipei R.O, C after 景美)  - Meaning my father still alive to witness testify, he is not doing well. The Medical Board? Whatever that is? Just a written probably a few line, not necessary any money for it.

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