
Pre-Med - this is not you all still studying program year after year (Movie: Twlight, the before MCAT or finish MCAT yet, or the double major?) | Not ever be USMLE 1 or 2 or 3

The definition to that public hygenic, or so known all this public health reason the ministry or the administration are to monitor are the bacteria and the virus known to the mankind - most this Medical Doctor path (pre-med), people that mostly cannot take those tape worm, we all having it in the Evolutionary Biology.

University of Kentucky doesn't have that class, but that UB has. Where Seth faint.

The size to how the creature, creation that breathing, and living, and have a functionality, that is parasite, they have a host body, like our human or some insect or some animal, the fish, or the whales.

And to that every other kinds of the bacteria, these are the diseases how the beginning that vaccine start to coming alone, on the surface of an orange. Those things green looking on the top of the orange, if someone cared about how this Modern Age century of all Medical Board, the Medical School, the Medical Facility are coming from, it would be this 20th century when these Orange green things on the outside being investigated.

That is not virus. The viral infection as the human population grown to this highly dense envrionment where the closure of the space inside the air-con, or the heating situation involved, how to people-to-people transmission to these very deadly viral situation




When the coming of that sanitation of that sewing water, that the pure water can be acquire or manufacture, other than this unsure the rain water, or the ocean salt water.....with the micro-level how the disease can be eradicate since that beginning of the one vaccine, the mankind for the first time of that past 5000 years human civilization, has every plaque or the food shortage to confronting that every disease unwipeable or Hunger nightmare.

How everyone can acquire this resource has becoming the propel this 21th century, it was no longer like it used to be, to that implementation per 10 years, per 12 years counting methods, that each generation are more refine and polish to the technique that can injection, insertion, a direct almost the ideas, just not yet per inch blood works, per lympth white cells, per degree germs be inside outside the semi-liquid ideas to replace the entire the human body.

That future yet will ever be.

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