
Simon done that with Lauren for that Painting.....you can say, he didn't have to learn anything with the "Heaven given him", but he gets one things done and learn about it.

If 10 years ago, you stop him, he won't be as confident as he is now. He knew what he is capable, and he knew exactly what the TV says, or learn to. He is.

I told you he has the background.

If the legal court find out including ET proven that Lauren is only the Love reason, or jail reason, and he got no effect on it, meaning everyone is fine seeing Lauren. She will be iconic, and he stills keep all things with him. No one get jails or torture, because it was sealed.

That doesn't mean he is not that type just ignore me Anna saying. He can change when he wants. 

You have nothing like that. 

In the normal sense of the world.

I Anna make money

Those guys I fight we make money. We are talking about the 6 zero or 9 zeros. 

Most guys will tell you, that is very very very stupid to hear about it. That is not normal methods you saying people talking down each other for real, or saying, that is the reality? So let's say me and those guys entering the court procedure never end....1 year pass, 2 years pass no conclusion, none of us are together because things are fallen everywhere....you and Simon took off 2 years relationship.

First of all, me have a career, so they have their career.

But you want to proven you are with Simon, so you Simon took you to see how we two side party never end the court room drama. He just curious how you react seeing the old friends with the promising guys never end fighting still in the court.

You want to say?

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