
Simon he is business attire people, he can go on those 100 dinner dates including all your girls profile on the movie or the TV. Its just an invite.

You want to go, you go. 

Just sitting down a talk. 

It will be Ola. 

Because the day Simon shows up you with the microphone. And if Westlife that side also. There is a Middleton.

All World Guys Lied every turn and degree. Every lies. True.  The girls didn't have to find out.

1. The shape

2. The tone of the voice

3. The volumn

4. The look and feel

5. The idea how you never will make it in any guy's world. FOREVER.

6. Most guys you don't force them, they never cheat. And the cheating people will never be you.


People will get fired, and go to jail included. All guys lied, so the girls go to the jails.  You never talk over a guy one word, you go to hell if you doing that. One word. One voice up, one attitude on your eye sight, like that Michelle Obama on eating big table straight, its on the film.

You go to hell. 

You never rebel, never protest, never parade, never freedom right. Never constitution quote on him, you have zero right. You never make it in life, the girls like you never make it in life, they only lean on the guys, forever. There is only one road, that kind of the girl. Everyone else girls like others, go on the street, aging, and in debts.

That Indian 500 years decree or ET, or...whomever give that order.

1) Real Love 2) Loving the Silent Tear.

Its the only eternal truth. Without the guy, or any guys proven in any direction, you go on the street. The guys have that sense, you are very very fat and arrogant girls. You can have no right, but you hurting every guy. Therefore, you hell.  Be on the street or very very little money, like that sheet I given to you. 

You could just lean on the guys, or every kinds of the guys, in their interest wishing them well, just like the Bible intend, you can only do so much, so they understand you. 

But not any of your girls did. 


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