
Simon he is very very famous in the industry, I don't know now, but he used to very very famous.

You need to know he has a public interests, meaning your gesture to coming out with him. He prefers what ....You seriously be with one guy yet?

How serious you were with that guy. 

He is telling you with Lauren. He kisses a lot of women in his life, not just hallo or goodbye. its not every 10 second you annoying him with the jealousy, if he does on purpose, he let you know that is his life in the real business world. He likes to keep young, meaning keep fits, and feeling like 20 years old, he has the family values. He got a real kid? And Lauren will almost like his ex wife? The only wife almost like?

Simon is a real European. He got trained a little bit at his age bracket, meaning he is not those very uptight human whatever was. You can say he is almost half of the American, not just he had a past.

Most of you just run out of your house the first thing without your parents, did I say that long time ago? Every guy on the blocks hear that, you know why?

Every girl run out of the door. You all don't have a finance to support yourself, finding the means to be with anyone other than Simon. You like FAME. You are.

I can every back end business, and never show up the newspaper front cover. If I be with whom? I will tell that guy, not the newspaper. Even you put a fake newspaper, I still behind, not the front photo. I have things behind, and I told the public exactly what you hear the day 1, everything I have say business A to Z behind.

I prefer behind things I make my money. That is a real thing. I keep those real in my life. You want to say that to him?

Let's say a guy I need to show up one TV, that will have to fake it TV. You don't talk over that whichever guy, if those host asking him a question, never me a question?

That answer has to be your brain use a bit, how portrait for him that host guy, or the guy you say next by you. Practically speaking, my newspaper they are all together with the TV wife.

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