
Simon's personality is a refine person. Meaning he will do his research ...all the time. If this life will extent furthur, everything he will capitalize on it. Including that Game of Throne.

If he advance you somewhat, he will wish you never go back to UB, you go up, to where make him proud, or help him evolution, the fame, the name, the money. He was genuine having that relationship with any of you, whichever profile if he cares about it. I can see that.

If you or any of your behavior out of the scope in that extent 500 to 1000 years, none of us UB including me somewhere else life, never need to show up when Simon calls. We never need to be group again, but because you all problems .....

You should know that, its always your faults starting the first day on. Every single day faults are on you girls, every last one of you. 

You, any of you girls, have zero IQ, zero business, zero correct methodity. Simon he is the only guy or man he will have everything you need at the moment, including 1000 years down the road, because he is the genuine guy, he can go very far for something to get it done. No matter you always think he does opposite of your wishful thinking, he is selfish, or he is groupy womenizer....all kind of the words you so willing to say. Without him, you cannot carry anything in life.

Like my mother under me to that Sariputra.  

You can tell him, you wish out, if that regime or the money sign becoming too big.  You love him if you be together 1 years or 5 years or worse half of the rest life you ever know him.

You cannot do a thing without him. I know that.

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