

A powerful Smallville Scene for Glover (MIB)



Now I remember what I was told to eat last night?


Even running around, whom says what to eat....it is called "The hellish Instant noodle", I only use half of that, way way way too spicy. 


In the typical American grocery store to define the spice, or the spicy pepper, ..its not in the imagination the Chinese those dry chilly pepper. 





Asian food eating


Sugar, cake, pastry, its very very very bad for the eye sight, and the nerve entire system from the spine base. Soaking in the water, as that diagram, just meant it, they absorb the water. That is how I feel.

Remember my eyes shaking? As soon as I drink those sugar water, or sugar tea, sugar anything including any pastry, more than any degree of the sugar?! I already know that many years by now. My eyes will start to shake.

Seriously. This sugar....that is not called the sugar rush, or that is?

It went straight to your brain, straight right behind your head its your eyes center. oh ~~ I done this way too often, you need to drink loads of the water dilute, and those are not the physical solid food format.

I always will have my body reacts on it, so I never go and eat it. Its very very bad. 

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