
Some UB these guys I am not sure whom, might be sometimes getting this short profit. Not mine planning !

Many people so that, even with UB you all using my facebook. Or hear about whom might exist.

The last thing you remembered were 20 years ago, most of you will wishing they all achieve baby you. So are these really profit very very short sighted tiny advantage or they are in debts too.

You will find fatigue, aging, lack of energy, hair loss of all life scenes in life. Another 40 years pass like my father, it’s 2 or 3 surgery on the table to talk about. Like my ex bf neighbor cottage life. It’s 4 surgery aging white hair talk about.

The very very last thing I will say to you as the girl aspect.

Never ever in debts with the hair loss or fatigue or lack of energy in aging ….to all reality wrong in front of everyone. They were already on my facebook.

They were on my facebook !! Those stories didn’t have to validate ! What you hurt others most in return hurting you, NEVER with the guys. Not those guys, not any your current neighborhood guys because there is no story on hold.

Guys are very very cold in affection when ….

a b c d e f g h I ….. what I told you everything was never false. I didn’t press very very hard because you hate them. So stay hating them. Leave !!

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