
The chemistry background will be tell you...its every solution dissolving methods 1) Baking soda amount to the bucket, I carry the hot water mix what on his foot Gout 2) A simple hot coco from the Big Can Jar, you gussing the spoonful to have a taste

3) The bathing water if those are the powder formats.

4) The correct America or Canadian use the powder for the bathroom, how to washing that things correctly. Every procedure of that solid, liquid,.....

5) Where you seeing the dust at? 

6) Where you seeing him inside the windows, on that ending of the driveway, when the per monday morning truck comes, you say.... "I just coming out of the house, LOVELY" (screaming method)

7) The solid = the plastic bags, how to wrap around to organize

8) The solid = the car behind SUV, or the regular car trunk those recycle bags, how do you fold?

9) How do you stationary your Joomla?

10) How do you admin?

11) How do you make your facebook profile Header for Berny to see

12) How ....Hank's face = IT

13) That girl = the public relation

14) 5 mins getting out of the door on Make-up

15) Hair fix in gel, how much I use on my hair gel

16) You probably didn't think the American /Canada they warm up the car for 10 mins or 5 mins to get out. He says you coming. You ready to????

17) You probably didn't mean how you live without the appearance, make up inside the car 10 mins with the bag carry to go. 

18) How to be dump it somewhere one full hour.

19) Mobility

20) Operational ability that strange city

21) On map

22) On the traffic light

23) On the parking sign

24) On the sunlight

25) On the air that we breath, jacket, sweator, boots, shoes, how come someone tend to know to put things on, it means that is winter or summer, only I care how I feel, not every other see the shoulder so exposure to air, the waistline too. Low tight jean.

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