
The last thing I ever wish to see here, its they putting a microbiology mask on. This is getting worsen than the day before, really.

Which album they sell saying anything in which part they behave in this way?

I cannot stop laughing.  Their singing ability its rank by those positions? Not anything else? They are in the music field, I am not really in it? 

Volleyball is volleyball.

Chess Club is Chess club, inside their own tournament?

I dare to the military? There is no such things inside them other than the mechanical science ! Not music.


Not about the Gift?


Westlife: Tonight ?

Something shining and new? Something worthy of you?

Teeth, its gold, that kind of the shining like the movie: Home Alone.

A kiss and a Chime bell?

一休和尚 ending song has a hanging idol toy.

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