
The medical reason, often ending up their really really chronical disease, or some kinds very very unknown reason so the patient shows up at the doctors


(I have to do the NASA page)

Called the Complication. Not just chronic. Why don't you all just willing to pretend this Power Statue, and then you stand up to that Medical Board, someone will be listening, or....in that which year of the labeling to what those NEW YEAR sign, that front at the table, I tell you to get up from that microphone, you have 1 min. 

"The specialty choosen field after the delicate spirits other than the brainy issue, the eye, the ears, the internal medicine or the external medicine, some this word I borrowing from the Chinese, for that has been an attention by many people in the early schooling year, not necessary a dream to ever be the MD showing up here. There are other choosen field, the foot, the lymph, the cancer, the dental etc....to all that the body parts how it ending up the discussion behind those organ traffic saying, in the black market. Those are the ilegal points that will ever be seen by me. But hey, that is on the television almost says that is where all are. "


Let's say those Time factor isn't that ET related, as if I Anna just looking at the Victoria Secret to manifest that 5 Lords Reviews, that is not 5 months only, just no one knows that is really really long.....days, hours, not in the public sight. 

It cannot be done, or else I would have be on the public sight? 

A lot of this MD judgement, to when they seeing their patient first sight, its by the accumulation of those Computer data, they already records in the hospital, those hospital system will be the most systematic idea, you gone to.

For example, I am telling all of them about my hospital, because a lot of this Western World are just way way way too expensive. Unless its truly badly stuffs to go to the America, trying to save some money at all. 

And they can almost every 2 second ending up in my hospital, because its just way way way too cheap and affordable I have those wishful thinking telling them, when they will be getting old at 50, 60...later on. Those may not be the most immediately thing, but their people can coming in to set up?

I have those tiny mind, tiny heart, why any resources cannot be pouring, considering any beneficent factors its always my parts of those small tiny contributions? 

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