
There is a Theory money, there is a Power money, and there is Apple Babaji given me Power Money

How or where every money lacks? Your Earth eternal fees....

Where is Guisi Peace prize? Coming up Adam Davis Ella Enchanted, say it "Horray horray horay !!!!!!!!!" Remember Guisi Peace committee, 1000 years in advance payement deliver.....your eternal fees to pay having one? what? on my name?

SMCH, clap clap clap...I am Not done with every word I promise, to all you kneel disciples, remember the games? It will be fun and on the Television world wide satellite, you paying for it. Understand? So many awards, so many paper, so many plaque, remember, each name having an eternal for fame, name, power...one tiny dust in front of my eyes. Because you dare and because you can. 

Every standard only I say so. Don't want it, keep pretending, and eternal falsehood you willing, we see each other at the court.  

Every screaming, internal, external has to be the day you are born, just like you all right now, capable to hidden behind while that Snowden is invalid, at the Congress. So?  Its you pretend you cannot, I will tell you every single second i dare and I can. You will know it, right? At your heart, core values, soul buttom down?



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