
Tina did a lot of the damage on that music career...really. Not just later I found out you could have some guys they enter the more public sight ground to looking for something, like a gf or something, sometimes a MD included.


And then the most famous the female singer got scream coming it down to get fat. That kind? You don't really need a public fame like that. But Tina are driven for those lamp light. Those very very big bright light she cannot see. She loves those attention. She is.

We have a total different philosophy to that end. Sometimes the girls image its more behind, I don't like those lifestyle. That is what those Westlife keep hearing, if that is what you all want to know the true reality of it. 

You know how many days I keep washing that toilet, today I really looking at it and put an alcohol wipe, another thicken tissues paper with some water to keep repeating that cover, or just inside cover, or below the seat, something i can see. And facet from the bath tubes to just keep rinsing the real toilet seat.

You know how many times I keep washing my hands? Its per time a soap, then I want to eat those I found the...something coat a thin layer of chocolate to look like a real chocolate, the Taiwan those bags, well....I went to rinse my fingers under the water, just not soak in it. 

Like beas bites. Finger tips that small. Its just a thin layer chocolate outside. No, its not those ...well if the guests come, I buy them the American branding. 

I don't want to get fat.

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