
UB has so many all these leadership I give you on my clubs notice. As far as you can reaching from the MD Boards, fat and giant.

SA  Alpha Phi Omega

SA  Community Action Corp

SA  Chess Club

SA  Robotic (on TV? Anyone wonder why that is on TV? )

SA  Chemistry Club 

Intramural Volleyball (UB Alumni)

In between that is Seth UFO that big grand Obama photo looking GREEN, that is not a forest like "Extraordinary You". 

Starting UK High School Madrical (talking? no English remember?)

Mary Singleton, Rebecca Stephen, and Wayne (Trailor they started Radio Station Bible Church to sold it move to TN)

High School (Glasses Window)

UK (I start wearing eye glasses, true. I used to don't know you have an eye glasses capable, I have a barren eye sight, blind remember? Weak vision. Right now I am legally blind according to the hospital records )

UK Real Volleyball School Team try out (just across my international dorm)


City of Hope (White white white)


UB Honor Class (Black Ops)

APO nickname: Little Foot 


UB South campus was the golf course (Melinda lives, I live more close to the golf course)

UB Alumni Intramural Volleyball (I just show up, random select volleyball girls)

UB Alumni intramural Volleyball (You all girls show up + A Dean show up, I ever invited any of you, really? Adria was the referee )

Chess Club

Buffalo Downtown Genetic Diagnostic (white white ...half white)

SMCH initiation

Graduate: Organic Chemistry, Glow to Go (Art) ....

Loving Hut 1:53

SMCH facebook I made her full package mailed it to her.  She is sos so lonely. 2012

TYG (The You Generation) 2013


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