
We are raining here, and the bird cannot shut up. You all ever asking the birds, what you written MY last post says?

They look at you? (Shut up)

Tell me again what is this Earth gravity for on the surface of the EArth = that is where our house, we stand, trailer, School, police station at, or NASA at.

Not just the formula. I know what the formula looks like.


The artificial satellite are on the orbits. Explain to me why that is a man-made efforts able to get on the orbits.

SMTV has a broadcasting system or Howard Stern radio. You have a TV cable or one of those you seen the satellite cable looking antenna? That is when you needed, that is important right?


How does the man-made artificial satellite getting on the orbits, or the lower debris orbits all tales stories on the wiki?

I never read, or you never red?  You speaking the Native English?


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