
When I used to be with a guy, there is a routine in life. Every Single day are the 2 meals at least, between him and me? I used to require to work in the computer all the time, and the school?

The environment wasn't supportive? If its growing the plants and washing and just really staying home, not to go on this running around, I usually don't go anywhere. 

That kinds of the routines always the time waiting, standing, water, cooking, boiling all the time. In the real restaurant, they have a boiling procedure, you mean how lightly a veggie being boil? I don't look like to be that elaborate, but all the procedure are not by the steps, or the procedure to sound like your general chemistry lab?

There are things to do 2 meals a day, including some people gather for eating whole day, including night? Whatever they gather the reason for? You just keep busy for filling up the food on the table. That is what not you imagine to do or I imagine I ever do ?

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