
You can make the food same time, and make yourself pleasing. See, I was just outside balcony a bit, including vanderlating the air, my foot becoming so cold

My hands are okay, but girls in the Chinese Medicine, they will tell you the girls are always cold feet cold hands, maybe not in America I ever hear that. The Asia is the known term. I get in get out of the tubes.

What? Just soak in there like 10-15 mins. 

All the way water up to your waist. I need to get out and doing things and not sleeping in the bath tubes? The girl's system is very very very sensitive. The guys never feeling it. Its the entire filter system - the kidney, the urinary track, the baldder all the time. 

What date is today? I was calculating my book, per month, if they are 3 weeks or 4 weeks. I think it is 4 weeks.

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