
You girls if get the hand of it, in your living envrionment, you can get your side of the guys, older people, the guys or the women, etc....its unlimited, if you don't stab them from behind.

That simple say, for the money reason you willing to stab on each other.

My court paper didn't seem to put much that individual name on Top, your American use the family court, the jury I seen now. They question you, why you only accusation on the individual, not to make a point what that story overall you can contribute anything just like your privacy act upon in your imagination? 

That is not exactly the words they say, I got a sense, so I say my own wordy, really. 

You want to talk like the 1900 the beginning of those hammer to the court, no wireless people staring at the phone, but sit on the bench, people play walking in those space?

So saying....you want to be more friendly telling the court, your future aspect of those money sign coming from the career, which career you updating them, other than my DNA what stuffs, I cannot say it myself? 

They seeing the murder trial eye sight every single day if not the family broken windows glasses or the car window glasses, they surely knowing how you delivering the sentient beings meant you are standing right in front of them. They are not the human you will claim one day. "That is why I ignore you."

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