
๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿฅ— You want to define your weight as the gravity doing to you, or you want to say 2 giant planets drawing each its the results of the gravity? You called them the celestial body? ๐Ÿฅƒ๐Ÿฅ—

And? There is a formula in the physic cheat sheet, or the "formula sheet". Any problem of that? 

The magnetic cannot be seen, the gravity cannot be seen, the audio radio cannot be heard, the wavelength cannot be heard or grasp by the brain, the light spectrum cannot be seen by the physical eyes.


You are not going to tell me, what is the point, everything unseen saying that can be observed by the apple drop in my hands from that tree? Or the sun on the opposite direction spray a water hose water, there is a rainbow property, you want to stand on it? One of those pony horse American cartoon? Made of the star dust, spread, there is a rainbow/ When I was child, only care about that dust and rainbow bridge. For real.

Its a cartoon.

In the modern development to that accuracy and precision the equipment to build or refine that tiny bolts or knots can refine to 0.1 mm, one of those saying by the physical making of many mechanical, or instruments that each calibration of the radar are using from the radio technology. In the science, most known to people a methodity what you do with the science?

You hypothesis a statement, you must write that out.

You putting a control group and the variable to conduct that experiment in order to prove or back up that hypothesis, you don't just invent your observation from the nature at the early science comes to our world today.


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