
Your mother is the one insist no military order, so she goes to hell watching you per day marching on.....why and regret in hell. Just like the Queen. so many people only cares.....its their glorious moment and reason for that democracy world.

But then God never need to exist, just you exist. Their age, won't stay very long, so...make a choice, all of you. How long the time lasting anyway. The momentarily short gathering won't bring any peace or harmony when you each other seeing each other aging faces.

You imagine....its me every single day on.

That is the First sin.

Second, the day you will all be separated, its in all different kinds of the world zones. You can contact each other, but you will suffer in that new world. You didn't abide any rule in this one World, for every world almost I think....has some collaboration how the human character only survive or dying on the street til you bend mechanism. That in this one World people will tell you only democracy and citizen, never yeh or neh fantasy on princess and prince idea. But since they hurting you, you got compensate some small tiny money.  

You didn't strive to keep your mouth shut, and surfing along what is your diginity or ego trium things...but then again, to that every new additional new life, this small tiny TV, its all you ever got. Its Anna's old facebook together against her on the rebellion to whom's regime?

You didn't need to believe in it. You will find out that one day. There is only militant iconic throughout that known every words be heard. No one ever be a face card, not in lawsuit, not in medicine, not in weak character, not in digitnity for saying Mastership to students or disicple.

But you all meant you are truly special. I think you will be killed before they moving you ....at all. Your perfect American land.

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