
A real life, to stare at the money? You don't need the food stress like I always say.

You are guessing people if they make it, you are guessing people if they are the leadership, you are guessing it if they are a group or not a group.




When you are under the water, meaning one person living in a stranger city. No one would know you were a past of what, captain or what not the leadership, you just by yourself trying to get through that life here or there.

To that you really cared about were you more opening up your voice to get things done, and learn that organization or the stationary art, because when you capable to organize a lot of things in the correct statement, any plan you coming out of your brain will seem to carry forward, or action forward.

All of you trait, you always tell me you guessing it, you postulate it, I just tell you that is how it goes, how it went.

Catching Fire (After the 74th, the 75th Hugner Game is called the Catching Fire)

The very last scene, the very first frame of the games.

Not all that stories say? Just a saying roughly? Guessing at it? 


You have a story, whom care what that details stories suppose to be?

Let me describe not this 10 years ago, to what I will becoming me the 75 years old, or the 75th lifes interval trains of those saying....how long is a person's life really?

Now....When i am back in the city, there is a phone. That phone you know its on the short paid. My mother did for me, and somehow this internet nowadays she knew it how to change certain things inside between the phone and the internet usage. I had an internet, and then I drop that internet statues. You thought your mother is not important.

So after 3 or 4 years, out of this 6 years, I start going outside with her to the phone company. NOT SMCH, not the contact person. They show up, I imagine things? That is a 2 different company location, they got more phone or something? The style the pamplet? Just not right now?

I didn't do anything like that, and I suppose to freak out? You mean you bring out a protest people to becoming a riot? You mean its one of those congregation gathered? I didn't do a thing in life, I just went to a phone company, my mother told me that post office were the old building there, WE WENT. then that is the new building structure.

My head normally its "oh ~~~!" 

"I can see the difference"

Not one day a phone company contact persons showing up my faces? Do I want to know what did I ever do?

Why did I keep talking about this phone company, or for?

In life....you have an internet bill, I used to use Time Warner. I used to drive to the bank, standing there I have the statement, same thing the Silicon Valley, I have no other choice but doing that. I stand in front of it, statement per recipt. 

PER recipt.

If you really care care care your stationary and per paper works, you will not be imagining anything of that. Per folder you have to get, per paper you slip in, you don't see that is a work? I have to change the entire Muji collection? Do you know why I spent time shopping? Its not so in the busy time I have to swap ALL the stuffs including the paper works?

When you done enough this City Life ought to be, first I learn it with my mother, when the money is short. When your money is not short, but you still cared about the expense? Unless you truly seeing millions per millions coming in, you learning it this life aspect from the ground works. So I learn building, I learn the story. That is the old that is the new?

I did anything ilegal?

I told Ku there are the flower shop, and THAT is the real brocket shop? Its the weekend things they do? You talking to a stranger to make an acquaintance?  He is from America of France, he didn't feel stranger being in out of the city? You talking something more make that person at ease or something to do in the City? Just the funny things to talk about it.

Did I do anything with them? No !

Is that you resonance your story on the TV?

Let me guess what that supposes to be? Legolas and a red hair in front of a door.  I always wondered ....yeah ! So it is about the politics !!!

When you saying you making the statement or the paper works or through the lawyers, or that is a protest? You cannot just talk the paper format in the lawyer written things, just 2 side people fighting in the Judge, in the Court, in the Supreme Court?

That is not what I did with China, ....the other side? The current time?

Let's say I given you one thing why your mother you seeing her important, one things.

2. Trash bag.

3. The building maintainese fee.

4. Laundry

5. The water hose for they washing the stair

6. A home someone ring the bell, I am testing this entire door frame broken or not?

7. Asking her to buy some extra juicing?

8. You arrange for her the near by whom can ship it similar to Uber?

9. Feed her plants, wipe her kitchen counter, facet, floor, fridge, all the time, she coming in and out of the house?

10. She carried a heavy cart, you help her sometimes, but at least be home?

The phone company is a straight money out.

The Health card

The bank investment

Or the COVID 19 vaccination places 1 and 2 and then 3? She finds all?

or sometimes the City streaming down the money, she takes care?

You only explain what you do on the internet, you only take care of her other brackets of every other paper works, the Tape water factory?


If you really really knowing what be home means....you are WAY TOO BUSY.

You know a real life or not?


In a real life, how to find the money, live the money, or getting into an investment? 

You don't learn by reading the book at home? And this home whom at? With your bf?

I am yet be with a bf? Being with a bf, its what? 2 people on that counter space making the food, washing washing washing. Wiping the floor, too tired, to go to sleep Mon to Fri?

I never live that life or I don't know what that labor of life ever be? Your attention its to exploring the money opportunities, but if you are a girl alone? Washing yourself, change the bed sheet, the pillow cases?

If you are really really just saying it what is every day your attention to be, including your own health, your own skin issues.....There is a lot a lot a lot a lot of the hidden things you are doing at HOME.

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