
All your arguments would be your 1) Voice is small 2) No presentation 3) in other words America in that 194 countries NEVER provide you any jobs, that is not true or else no one will limmigrant to the United State of America

You want to use System Data to gang up together, you all never had a job in that saying, because everyone lose their home, not true. The military will support more the guys leave the house never return, and leave the urban worlds, to the New Capital world. That is what they did to Tamang. He is way too tall, too. 

In America, there are many jobs catergoriest.

1) Inventor (does not align to the Digital Era) but they can sustain their money America took them in. That is one thing you meant you create something, let's see. They have an investment dealing just that, not just the concept on whom imagine the mass distribution by the historical facts, or the birth certificate, they knew exactly where things are 40 years ago.  You cannot possibly accuse someone whom didn't do their job the day I was born. FOREVER. 

2) You want to say you were not told, I Anna never stop saying it in the next 1000 years. I told you everything clear black and white, its the American capitalism under, you staring at your money sign, not the tears inside your eyes for the romance games, and lost the Square and Lines. I keep saying it.

3) Your public hygenic reason, your seasonal flu, your immune system, how you feel, how you make other people confident to build life. You all have nothing to worsen every degree of MINE life, becasue you have an excuse. 

4) I am finding you all the perfect excuse = you get out of the UB to work everything other than the UB. So you are inside the witness program for the rest of your life, free housing, or free food? One extra cookies in 2 meals of the 3 a day, in every other day in the math, you have 2 days in week day and 2 weekend days on the money spending, I am saying, some will still in debts in the age 63.

5) The police must be so super amused, how every step the way Zawanna does it, I do it, or the BIRDS, shut UP. They won't even CARE what happened 10 years ago, on their own language, on their own channel, on their own local native Taiwanese dialogue even.

6) You cannot put up a fight in life, so God saved you having a witness program, as if everyone all having one left UB I am telling you. Isn't that what you all wanted, never work another day anymore? So stay closer to your heart, its 3 meals of 2 extra cookies, and 2 days without, so the 2 weekend day you have some extra clothing shopping, so every month you saying 500 dollar extra, you need the social, you need the fun. That life doesn't require anymore extra money to save, its all perfect.

7) Its exactly I am saying it so every step the way, which police didn't hear me Anna has to be one person cannot stop putting things here or there to sort everyone?

8) As if that facebook were supposed to be my things, never yours?

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