
American military, supposes to be here 6.5 years ago, right?

You need to have the first batch of people be trained.

Meaning you know when we have this pandemic last time were SARS? This time is COVID 19? You know how small tiny Hong Kong and Taiwan?

You all cannot just depends on One Me. Your expo it means although you are on an island that is hopeless unlike that China, you learning some trade skills? What is that? 



Are you paying anything attention that cargo shipment are all sitting outside, most countries border complain they don't ship in, one of those country air traffic or the by sea? That is export and import. While you have nothing so noisy about, one island, you can learn your details this thing is. You paying attention or you fake staying here not learning it?

The democracy countries around here? ARE?

Everything but China or North Korea or Vitenam.

Can you really be that stupid, you cannot think of the one good reason why you learning your skills, picking up things other than the front page cover show? You are not a happy person, you cannot cheer yourself up? 

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