
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ“ Building a confident like Annie Hallway, or Kate Hudson? ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ“

You are not sure how you saying the things you know of. You input a lot of what you think in that process, you hope or you gamble that is a judgemental call or you just "psychi" knew that gambling things what you should be saying, should be doing, should be amend?

How can you live in a life, everything you think its wrong, say is wrong, thought was wrong, encounter was mis-fate, everything mis-fortune?

You keep blaming on almost 10 different direction to things that out of your control, and you don't cultivate yourself within to make yourself strong. A pair of sneaker in the winter or the boots, if you living in a very very cold place, you understand what you prepare for yourself on the road.

1. Scarf

2. Gloove

3. Hat

4. One correct Boot

You never looking like when that coat is open at the throat? How that taking care of yourself, so you mean you taking care of the old or young, when you saying you align yourself to the doctor's path. Right now, you are deicing to quit or continue? You can just negotiating a deal with them, you wish to finish the double major with a grade in UB? Trying out the MCAT, but quit until that time? You are now can going in the witness program?

Instead of keep blaming on the Medical Board, you sure, every life, you don't want a back-end road, for that Spiritual World Assembly, a responsibility to make it the "Medical School"? I am prepared, I wasn't joking to tell you. I knew that myself, but I lightly say? Not right now, but? I don't go over their territory to make an enemy? 

You didn't have to blame on that Judge, or whom the Educator, or the Program itself. You are criminal inclined, you wish everyone be frank telling you that in front of the whole room? 

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