
Disney - First and Last Scene of Wizards! | Throwback Thursday | Wizards of Waverly Place | Disney Channel


Its like the story similar to Harry Potter, the Tri-wizard tournament. 

oh ~~!


You know how each other not to becoming the enemy to each other, mostly the girls you see the guys or the girls both are the enemy for some reasons. 

You go behind the scene, sometimes singing only.

The composer's job. Its a job too.  The creation of that piece of Original Content a) lyrics b) melody (song) c) a story board about that song or the album.

Why it makes sense to anyone whom reading those album hard case, and someone singing it

Meaning you production your own song, to this production on going story board. You understand each of this process? You give a concept, you give a meaning, you give an overal story to follow, and the camera man, the photo shooting crew + the video teams + editing staffs, you oversee each creation of this video, similar you saying the Youtuber. 

But you using on the original sign on the company resource, they got a methods and the security, but you need to input your own production manner, how to

1. Organize

2. Verbalize a concept, meaning you present your storyboard. Frames to Frames.



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