
Dream Exchange Games 52

Those people has some methods at least fake it the public appearance, meaning....welcoming you, make you feeling the welcoming of the hostality of their invited place. Unless you meant I don't know what I see in that Movie: Meet the Parents.


You or your parents inviting their friends or family coming from afar distance. Your reaction to these guests are you "present" with your ex bf or ex husband, whichever meeting took place once the court dissolving these conflicts in between the movies or cartoon, or disadvantage, one of those Karen or Melinda Vola saying?

They wishing all those animation people to welcome you, to their own groups while all these people in their own life has 1) their own immediately goal to reach mostly are for the money 2) all of them are on edgy if the money is not present 3) Some has the things to hide if they were jailed, 4) Their own groups of that classroom if they are the microphone holder, they have their own things they like bf, gf, imaginative wife or husband, or their current ex or late husband. 5) Each of them have a linger in their own age 6) In their own memory 7) The last being hash words to them while the public already blaming them enough 8) You finding the words speaking to them, or none at all, at least never a F words or any cursing language in your native English language 9) They are similar to the priesthood type so they know what somewhat to that their own promises or vows, there is a different side of God in their own age, in their own City, in their own town however they are spoiled to their own leadership 10) You are not the leadership, SMCH is.

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