
Fan Club - my side of the explaination (Yogananda Red book and Blue Book, Britney Spear song's Holding it Against me)

No, we don't have the drugs things in Taiwan when I grew up. In 2014, Keanu Reeves that Neo things. I see the Red book and the Blue book. That is Nick looking.

But I think that is not what Westlife says. They are doing something all by themselves to becoming like that. Real. So I gonna tell you the second things. The Prince normally means what Adam (Davis) used to tell me, his friends they are using drugs to get high. That is true. (Westlife - Better Man), I cannot understand a thing, but I think Prince if anyone hear, its that Prince Harry does = they do drugs. 

Taiwan we don't have that, not drugs, no guns. No.  That is why it becoming the district of that Flower Thousand Bones like Vatican. It was always design like that. The police force because the land is smaller, they probably starting the border idea. We are all the sea around, not the big territory.

That is the first thing I can tell you.

Second things about me were the Joomla Back-End admin. That was in the US. When you wish to one person operate any URL.

1. You buying the domain name like Godaddy.

2. You need a private company server to move that domain name. You paying both per yearly. Every URL link, = every website, its all the same price, you only paying that server once.

So that back-end, its a cpanel structure, meaning you can adding on the software.

That software I add on my website, its called the Joomla. Its not Sitesell. The Sitesell its from a different company, they sell ads. I didn't agree to that on my Organic Chemistry website. I only had one page. I told you what that page was, it was not a txt file. It was the picture file. Meaning, no robot supporting that kinds of the files most of time. They prefer Txt. But that story I describe the students that time were real. Just not Sitesell.

But I have the data, only that page. That is what I told Westlife and Police.

Because in the end I told them both side: The real movie that we gonna copy each other side by side scene like Shane and me.

Its the Data.

= Between Brian and me.

The third things I can tell you, I am too tired to type in Chinese (Madarin)

I Anna personally think.....its the Law to that Wallace Watch commercial to ....

Then another image like 101 those 5 oclock youth they wearing the eye glasses, too big of the suite, luggage to drag combine.  That I translate as the Finance/Business/Economic, for sure Math combines Laws.

But becasue the guys they gamble and suicide most of time. My family near by, are 2 people doing that. Not suicide yet, but they lost huge money one from China,....the other is Irene's husband. Tina's best friend's husband.

In the science field, most jobs are the technician. Meaning its just the bench jobs salary like that Brady or that is the Torus (She got problem, she does things on purpose, that is why Prince and Me. She told everyone in the lunch, if she doesn't eat, she will have a bad mood. She is the one operate next by my supervisor, and the next, its a fire department girls came in under her. I disappear).

Our boss are Miranda looking, for real. The janitor is that bold guy.


For saying any kinds the science fields, unless 

1) The Material Science Patent holder, or a procedure re-engineered, one of those. You have to be the Topest of all Top, meaning....coming out of something exactly like GE (Edison did), the Mass distribution, its bench jobs salary starting 30,000, maximum its only 45,000, that is the rural place. 

2) Even Tina accountant can rise up a lot more, you need CPA or no CPA even. Same Pang's jobs are all a lot higher. The science are just daily the same jobs facing the wall. Its a dull life. You can have the contamination or cross contamination.

In other words, that kinds of the scientists, other than the CSI, or those investigation near the police...because you don't know if they have the jobs, or hired privated behind. Such as Nick's best friend name John (Frozen), its all hidden like Sayer.

But....what that hidden all that has a label on the back.

It can be the military or the governmental affiliate. In that sense, if you dealing with the military of that country, especially most scientists will want to work somethinig like Black Ops, meaning Manhattan project - Einstein, he became Toto's kid, Nick's best friend's son, has a condition. You drop a bomb in Japan, to becoming this Harry Potter dead guy in the Tri-wizard tournament, looks like Tamang.  What's between the right things or wrong things.

But he and his father has the security. Its Edison original story. Its....Eistein's father used to work for Edison or that company below.

I am not sure if that story is a temporary punishment. Because if I were to tell you the story, its to stare at the money, that will be one of the resoir way you doing that. You go to hell doing that, and see where the God puts you to.  

"If the governments telling you, its that governments collective karma" 

Its you follow order of that nation. Because its still democracy.

But here the Fourth things I can tell you, I did tell you.

In the military, its they advertise I say, you walking in the warehouse, "how many total weaponry in there", you have 10 second.

Meaning what I say above, that ....all things near by Edison, it will be have to similar to someone like that. Most of them are doing that behind, a lot of people including the average world people, there is a lot of those superstitious things in it. Including the spiritual world, like nick those dream talking all that. But those...might be all false. They are there harming you. I went to tell Nick. (All that Wallace TV, the spider den, old man, and that girl )

Its best you drop the practice, focus on that Eternity. There is a reason.

My last lawsuit. That is the eternity. You don't have any other choice. 

The Earth itself may not have that System Data the full account like I say, but I think they will marching in. To make all that Eternal Looking. Its a Capitalism under. Its democracy.

Never Disney Prince and Princess - everything I told you or adhere you every step. It was all true.

I started was Frontpage on that Organic Site, it was the Meta keyword. It is all manual jobs. Not Sitesell.

This will be my BTX final formula. I think the story telling you, there is a formula.

This is the formula. Staring at the money make it in the Capitalism under. When that ) 

" ) "

being drawn down. That is Sailor Saturn means.

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