
For example, I say to Jonathon I cannot find you really.

 "The student activities that invovled in our year was not told to us will becoming today UB MD6+1 meeting our another side of the world MD 4+2, here are the names after we becoming the professional school to the professional path we choose. Most of us did choose the pre-med, or pre-pharm, but we are not clearly told what exactly happened other than Anna states some facts and here are we the results, and for one thing in that its our physical structure of the building and the activities that took place inside these UB campus building.

I came across the Chess in my childhood when my father .....

I start to play some more serious tournament so UB we did host an event that invites the several people around the chess clubs in the region to coming in the Student Union Lobby near by the room number, we assort that room to bring the chairs and the tables to these small gathering. The number of the people show up are ____________

We don't have a lot of those activities for most of us either we are in the same class, or we were in the same major, we didn't really keep in touch, but we knew where we were or somewhat ending up by the communication in the Facebook. To how this entire thread to mix the clues and each of us are in a different fields or the location, we really haven't get together to discuss the details what could be this location, I remember, I flyer at, I see the participant, I see the people coming going and the one person really next by coming going near what I wish to do in this club. I started this club, and here are our position in the UB SA Chess club.

I am the president, Anna is the secretary.

Our chess goal at that time was a very simple SA guidelines through that we are the first one starting that, I am the one flyer the campus to hope it can go by the SA basic club requirement. I didn't think it will ever becoming that Wing go to the UB Robotic clubs, but Anna says its her side, other than the Chemistry club. To those comment, I start to get a funny feeling, her major is in the chemistry. I took the physics and the chemistry with Anna and Wing, but none of them talking about the UB Robotic clubs, at least not when Anna was in the Chess club that time. I see her in it.

... .... ..."

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