
๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’ ❤️‍๐Ÿ”ฅ ❤️‍๐Ÿฉน ๐Ÿ’Ÿ How do you make a group food? ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’ ❤️‍๐Ÿ”ฅ ❤️‍๐Ÿฉน ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

I don't really eat a lot of the food, so let's say cooking is a leisure things in the definition, you know what I mean? I starting at Friday afternoon might be prepare something the early morning already, becasue when I am bored, you with the guys, you don't cook together, or he has to be on the computer, you sometimes ask him if he needs the tea, hot coco, or soup, lentil soup is ready, so every hour he is intake some water, or some snack here or there.

That entire environment its different, because they have the money. I have the money.

So if I really like to cook, or washing ....that is just 2 people's world, he keeps his life busy, I walking all around back and forth, his desk not too far from the kitchen food at?

The Weekend Party Food

Most people are on the diet, but let's say the BBQ stick, you look like, not that we have to put up a propane stuffs. You can just baked them in the oven how to sauce on Top. Sometimes a happy group food, you make sure it looks right on the container, or on each plate. 

The washing things can start on Friday afternoon. I always make a lot of the dumpling, so that never runs out? Just a different ingredient and taste in it. How many people Shane gonna invites really? Or Brian, whichever them?

So let's say that one guy not too far away from the kitchen, its when you cook, he already start hanging around to eat? There is soup, there are the vegetable ready, sometimes you ask him what he likes, or snacks here or there. Sometimes raw food, raw cucomber, some spicy things here or there. The things I taught you, he can last a few hour before the lunch time?

So my entire day and night just cooking and washing and hanging around the house?

Yeah ! When you have the money, that is not what you do?

No, I don't really care about the jobs when I file all this already? You being with a guy under the roof, its to sustain that 2 people's world? You never live with a person long enough, you do everything together. The laundry, I can fold it myself, its drying machine, I walking in and out. Sometimes people have a tendency walking all over the places, that kinds?

For example the cucumber, in America is huge, in Taiwan, its small tiny. 

The spicy one I told you the recipes, its you oil fried the Chinese red pepper, and put in all the cucumber, you think some cucumber like that, you can last one hour, and that is very very close to the Raw food, with tiny salt. You imagine things cannot good for the palate, and losing weight, and every hour you cannot stop eating, putting the food inside your mouth?

Like a plate of the avocado knife cut right, and decorate the carrots, how do you process that carrots or ginger, so you marinate them, you start to be with some guys that is more important, then you learn everything from the internet. You didn't have to learn on the First day. I already more quip after with nick? The cooking stuffs.

When they are less hungry saying that concentrating lunch hour, its because they already eating every hour? That is not so stress to believe how the one day goes by in life. When I have the money, I can afford all that. Just pitch in everyone's money, and find the recipe.

Sometimes the soup, soupy has to be right.

Sometimes with the meat in it, but not to GET super fat, and not digestable?

Sometimes its on the maintainese program? 

Right now I forsake my Friday night and the weekend, so for 7 years, that is to working hard, so later I can be with the guy or his friends?

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