
I have a dream



When people like a women = she, its my grandmom's age, gains some weight to the belly, and she really eating cakes, sweet, and those offering as if she owns them. 

She gains weight, those clothing you seeing on the TV, because she is so petty short legs, its every single of them re-made. All of her size clothing.

I explain to her one time, near by her Bible one thing.....how this Space and Time comes into the existence of the Past Greater good. Its not necessary against anyone, other than you yourself imagination, what's real, what's not in any world, you pay your respect to those whom walking ahead of you, and listening to those wise words as if you lay down your service, never violating on them at all.

You know, being a criminal,  Its far.....far away saying to gain any seat to any spiritual assembly in the future.

Once you are the criminal, you don't deserve for saying you have anything to do with the spirituality. You do the citizen ought to be financial independence yourself, and then you meditate. Meaning you have the consent from the police, you are a 

ONLY a legal citizen in the zoning line

Never the bar jailed human. That time you talking about the spirituality. 

Let me describe a story from my side.....From the First Life that her fallen, I say she got kicked out by her too smart wanted to proven her ex husband that German why he had some life experience at that first life to be the head of their 10.  She learning those street language to show off the mouthful jobs, at her mouth, no more telepathy. 

That fallen eons......to the degree you saying reaching the Earth its to reborn.

She got jailed.

If someone would have tell me, anyone with a brain trying to proven herself, it will never begin which life on, she was nothing but the begger living like that Wallace says, the marriage bless by God? You mean by me? The FIRST life on, she becoming the begger?

And here she didn't do anything yet, she is the jailed inmate. 

Its her karma, or its her fate! Really.

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