
I know how this Simon and Lauren Jewish means to you...its the Sea Crest Isreal I pass, they have the nail polishin technology like an eraser of your faces. You all don't know Chinese, but that's okay.

The photo art it is where the kindness photo makes the family bound and the money luxury, to all these per muscle indicator and per show you straight ahead your road to imagine, the wrong ideas how to sell out each other in APO.

I knew that game or I wasn't saying it yesterday? 

You willing to see someone get hurt, because you are deciding in America education system never suppression, you have your want, and that wanted were the pulling games of the possible Power and Capable. And Simon looks a back head drop human, just not sure this Silverman will agree with you, after all its the Upper Town Girl story. Between the Jewish not to slap its own God's faith, there is no problem each other stepping the foot toe, to believing the gambling upon the women, some too thin, some too fat, and some just not sure that the Wind unturn, you play the police just you meant it when you can, how to unleash, or leashing them with the idea if Simon could? There is everyone knows that, right?

To the Era comes, all these Eben Pagan how the NO No No no , if were Silas major the psychology is the positive words, so helping you, you deciding no one better than Simon were 10 years ago, and that change to the dynasty were 25 years ago from today.

Isn't this funny, how that gambling bet, its the moment your eyes sees, the brain register, your mind run, or you wishing me to explain to you...your finger on your mouse, to click, your eye bigger, still...

and that thought to running out of the door...to or at?

The replacement of each other, you were belielving it, what the America suppose to stand for including the APO, including this Mike or Ayo or Emily...or you gonna say Wendy....so funny

Laugh a min, clap clap clap....its the voice sounding to make a rythmn, to the Day to truely feeling it, so many possible revenue, you didn't even make one possible?


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