
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉ I personally will tell you, you as a girl has a lot of this eye glasses / the make-up procedure, nick used to complains to me. Not the eye glasses. The outting make-up ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉ

You and the donuts + the refine sugar inside the ice cream. It probably has something else. He told me would be you like your breast be open, and gardening down. 

You know what a guy thinks inside his brain? I usually don't wear those tank, because its way tooooo cold? 

The guys can tolerant they themselves wearing their own purchasing thing like the contact lens, how many stages now that contact lens evolve? Revolutionary? Its to throw away?  or you have to wash it? There is a term on it when you buy them?

I don't have any of that stuffs, including the pimpo issues. You eat anything down and your face sprout out all those pimpo at where? Your eyes bags? Your hydration statues? You learning about the water or the blood works I keep saying it? They might know something New Age?

Your culinary skill it means its good for the health, no taste?

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