
I think you like EVERY guy if they response to you, really. How is you tame my facebook guys they are all from UB, and?

Its between how you get on with the Meet-up groups leadership or you trying to get in between the leadership or trying to becoming one of them, so that job can be yours one day? You like to participate the event. You are passive, you are opinionated, you wish them to begging you to show up, right? 

Or you join the church singing choir, or somewhere the Meet-up groups has a singing groups?

Let me see. 

I see the NYC Meet Up singing groups, and how in that world, you think you will compete your throat out of that to be next by Westlife or Backstreet Boy? Really?

I think that is your one dream world, really. 

You trying to be a student

or you are competitor

or your are the affiliate networking business partner like those Eben does?


You doubts your path, you doubt you were set in path, or force into the path, you can just keep giving up things this world anywhere wishing you know a very cruel reality world. 

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