
I was talking ....about Westlife I seen only 3 scripts at least? I don't know where Brain or Shane's scripts at.

Parents Traps, I haven't think what to tell Nicky all that...because that was when he was young, right? We are all the same age. But I think regardless, if they are in America, where are they now? They could just have those people meeting together for a table of round chat. I personally think like that.

You cannot say it doesn't mean the guy, except you as a person. But if everyone shows up, he will have a spatial concepts the overal feeling himself. With like Nancy Meyer or her daughter or her husband, however you could put it together. Its not to hurt people. Its ...sometimes they told you the guys are very visual, they could see a room in a few second, they get a feel of it. You guys in the entertainment business, you want to do that? 

Kian would be this Prince & Me 1 and 2 and 3 and 4?

What does Kian does behind? I think he does for the music right? I don't believe anything this newspaper read anymore, just throw behind my back head. 

He knew whom Paige? He is IT, or music idea, not IT Google those?

If its within his Westlife company all those including Ronan to put up a Salior Moon. I know what to tell Kian.

Kian, do you want to just follow that military orientation painting page, you just random make up the faces and image recognition? By yourself, not by the computer ? Its near Nicky's materials.  I have no ideas why your Westlife Company needs a Sailor Moon entire assembly?


Mark would be Eternal Love ( 3 3 10 Beach Blossom )

What is this Mathew in that Wedding planner? Its a girl plan right?  I only knew there is a banquet at the episode 30. That is where Westlife has a committee board, you have kids, daughter, nephrew, modeling new or old, or fetch anything?

You want to do just touring around your own Westlife one more time?

Whatever all this script, you just bundle up in your annual Thanksgiving yet? Saint Patrick's day not a holiday right? Whichever this your company make an internal show up?

I think that should be sufficient.


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