
If you always pine at the video panels, these are like 9 screen in one PC monitor, you seeing everything in front of you. But these people have nothing to do with you.

You didn't distant yourself out of that hurt, to focus on what things at your jobs, or your works, including things how to bring up the humanity reason, that you yield that by your sweat, your Bible says? 

What you mean the networking, if the social media helping you that, you get on the Linkedin or the Facebok or the Instagram. You have to know how to operate things in that 4 points frame, because as much as you want to hate those whom....knew how to tranpassing those profile icons, for saying they starting at where, and you efforting in their social circle in their cautious in life included, these people unseen faces, but they are existing in all walk of life. You deny something that present to you because you don't diligently learning that one reason, your government allowing it to exist....there are a lot of merits how they derived from the people's efforts, that no less than you and me, but you don't think deep enough.

When you understand the power of that Digital networks, because you are happy with them. You are happy with the stranger, and the chat, and the finding things out. As for other people operating through that network situation, we are at the beginning of all that security and development including the police forces. When people are less concentrating on the crimes idea, so that these envrionment at the professional workers to collaborate a reason, a goal, any project its because people initiate that at. Do I propose those idea telling them you UB 6+1 re-write? So that is a motion everyone can input, and if they can propel to the next goal, it is one of the things you go on, to make your new career field if you making it...in that team works, you sail at a certain direction. You must knowing that, how you built up that confident in the people whom participate an idea, collaborating a result, is there any legging feeling being dragged, or you don't care about people's privacy, you mean....whom is the leadership, in whichever place they already are. People are not stingy to pitch in an idea, so everyone learn.

You mean, its everything you do, you got to be paying for it.


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