
If your brain is all over the places, you are excited, that doesn't mean you concrete it down what you supposed to be doing. You can just keep brain storming that every Friday night.

I just told you, find a real career.

1. Medical

2. Pharmaceutical / Pharmacy (Including the Medical Doctor can be a researcher too)

3. IT Silicon Valley (America, American, the Super Nation country one of the 5 in the UN)

4. People will graduatelly moving in these position of the leadership

5. Your very own rudimentary subjects if you are admitted in one. You might burn out, you might re-considering your career path.

6. Something is more lasting if you don't keep fumble yourself you have a base to go back too.

7. Including the business initiative. 

8. Law World included.

9. Bio Tech world included.

There are a lot of these file-ing, some people are trainig in this outbound world, let's says a group of them congregate at this furhust side nothing but the paper works. Its not the War Zone. But its facing at it. It is saying 25 years we return to the America land. That is when the black tie Washington D.C we show up. You understand that stories? Starting 7 years ago. 

To join the Washington D.C Black Tie just like the TV telling you, you learn your own civil class in America. There is an age limited in Taiwan for saying the democracy idea. 

Imagine a table full of them, eating nothing but plastic wraps? That is the real world, the real scenario. Including someone paperworks have nothing but these digits money running through. You won't care what Star, Galaxy side. People in that commanding position such as the Star War, the Stargate, the Stargate Atlantis, these millions dollars running through the tips, you don't imagine this things....I don't know if that is the current world leadership inside the military, your math /engineering basic skills. Everyone up on the ship, their math skills to those papers works are what billion dollars running through, their ship?

We don't have?

Can you get the sense where to get ahead the right year, the right location, the right outfit? 

When that Day showing up? You have running that pressure, that digits, that writing, that taking initiative, in front of the Zone, which zone, tell me? Which zone exactly?

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