
In Asia and in America its different. I haven't gone out of the world saying if you are inside what company they putting things around to social events, those social events are not 聯誼

Its totally different, when you saying the social event meaning more of "getting together."

When you saying 聯誼 , its means as it really meant it to say. Its the boy's school with the girl's school meeting each other.

We have a lot of those words label, if you are the venue or the restaurant, someone go there to make a reservation, such as our graduation party design every team, we have the team leader, however they make a point to where we have a buffet to get together. Before we graduate, why we even design that graduation performance?  There was the things to do that's why we show up doing all that, it takes us 2 or 3 months to do all that I think.

Most university in Taiwan will be co-ed, so that shouldn't be any issue at all. The system here its the university more relax. In America its the other way around, because you don't have to pay the high school, we have to pay the high school here to go to study.

You can get together with a lot of friends, your old friends all that.

When you assemble a team to move forward what causes, I highly doubt I was in any of the position for saying why I even bothered we have any of those dance, or dress up occasion in SMCH those events at all. 

Usually its the University reunion, or the field trip. The family to family bus going on the tour site. Taiwan this small tiny, how far you imagine really going on a bus? We used to go.

My father they are. He arranges those things, or his whom else they arrange those things between each other, so the entire family show up in the bus. It was all the family kids playing. We used to collecting kids all around to play. One time I had a cello lesson, one girl she could speak which language, I need a word in that Italian dictionary. I didn't care what language that is, really...the music sheet on top those. My teacher will ask me. That is a music small tiny dictionary, now I know that is an italian means, not back then.

At my home.


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