
Ireland - Dublin it’s the Capital (Toronto has downtown to Up town, nick used to drive street cart)

Your court room we will be at the local court or I just sleep next by the Supreme Court.

Buffalo, NY is not safe.

The very downtown Toronto 666 Dundalk Buddha restaurant, no.

But UT is down town, Fresh and First Loving Hut. The second loving hut is at Egliton, where Jewish restaurant next by and high building residential, nick was planning on catering but they …don’t do anything.

In between these area, it’s where big mansion exist not just Nick’s mother.

Meaning winter time, driving I hate snow in Buffalo ?

If I can just walk over, meaning the court room middle time. Intercession time, I could close my eyes at home not at the court? I really don’t care about a lot of them. I care my own stuffs that will include how easy I show up and live there next 20-25 years. If making money so easy at the Laws means just be argumentative by those clever methods, they claim nothing but the truth and the Entire TV is nothing but the truth? How fallacy Google Digital library is brand new.

Toronto mid-up town I have seen the full permits tear down and re-built, it’s very very often, I see that very very often in Canada. All the time.

They are Barbarism human and spoil rat. The entire cosmetic broken table wipe out. Shane, so I run to Brian, but then he too. I gone to Ronan, no more visual image, he is a girl paying volleyball.

Sunshine !!

It’s the eyes node in near the nose, I say facet middle finger open, first finger soap before the whole hands, so washing the node, the index finger…opposite fine 

And soap

And eyes design it’s one direction without switching the head

And just water…tape water

Before 30 seconds let the water facet runs? Every morning.

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