
It could be nothing. The TV just passing by. How funny....really.

A lot of people just meant the producer, or the director, or the monitor still exist included, or cinerma, you didn't know the Medical Board or the Laws Boards what the real power including the America Congress could ever do?

They can destroy the entire Cinema. They can. 

But that is not what happened, so those are fine. You supposed to believing it your own very democracy including all the Nations on the Top, they all mutually agree all the Cinema still standing. 194 countries. Therefore its real. They allow to exist. Cannot you read your American law to that Constitutional laws? I can only read the first 2?


In the lower world, where the First Train this will be...to the larger monitor where I say last time, your entire economic finance trend are in the low air, not happy air. Dull, no live, no happiness to low low low bracket of the life form.

To if that is how the In Time Movie....it didn't look like that to me from my perspective. It may not be like that killing each other included, and that story I am not sure whom they portrait at. Inside the mind, or outside the street gangs. Tamang likes to watch those Black fighting street movie, me and him went on a date? One time I remember.

You can ask him, if he watched Keanu Reeves Street Kings. 

Some guys like those very very violent stories, or whatever he has to watch those kinds of the life stories. He carried a gun.  

No, its not speaking French accent, a fashion Paris story? No. Nothing like that. Just classmate Dean represent, those kinds of the small world circle, but exists the classmate life.

You could just be the anger management all the bills together, sitting down all opening up your mouth, so everyone understood the real life aspect from that day on. Everywhere you go, you will seeing people's face nothing but the debts on the road. They hurry to go home, that is my hint to you. 

On the street. You start to watching each other finance, to not let that one bill slips, so you will keep a classroom, as if they are the safest people with the debts you ever got. Really.

You working with them 25 years, until their debts free, you will have a classroom everyone free debts, because they are seen on the TV monitor, everyone else around you lied, and ....you will never find out.

Tell me, what is this Zawanna trying to say, or that Thor?

Anything wise not voluntary anything you ever wanted? Someone cared enough, in 25 years, you will all having a right classroom to remembered 25 years ago these movies, no one will be targeting you, and you still on your Itune, working all together that feeling, finally everyone debts free?

You mean you willing to listen when you coming up the New World outside the Earth, someone staring you at every bill? Try to imagine what this Zawanna meant it, every Evolution you saying no.

What no means, in his words?

Not my words.

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