
It must be one of those romance relationship makes the corperate pale, on my face, destine born.

Whatever that supposes to mean.

You feeling to die, so why don't you jump? I have the mood for killing really. 

When you growing up, since very very very small. You really really really pine at those purchase from the movie or TV direct respond. They didn't give you a chance to imagine things in life. Technically when you stand long enough, or work hard enough on those minimum wage, meaning by per hour you seeing how much the money on that paycheck to calculate a number.

From that number, you understand your expense per monthly while you were in the school. Or you gonna tell me your College free dorm? Those are the most expensive costs with the dining cards, and on the weekend, your parents coming to see you, many kids parents came to see them or they taking each other out I guess. Many people in the dorm all seem to know where they going in their life goal. At least every Friday night, as if everyone knowing that ....they have a goal.

Other than me I guess. Everyone is so sure about their life, really. So were you, so are you now.

You want a strawberry milk? Its on the TV - Extraordinary you. Its an artificial beverage, sometimes they put that in the kid's drink session other than those juice, like the apple sweet juice. Not those. The beverage milk. The strawberry flavor. I am not sure the US selling them.

Or the Banana artificial beverage milk. 

The Amazon is the Nestle brand.

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