
Let me imagine if you fight each other....in that MD itself, you having any accompany? How do you localize the resrouce at your graduate school, or I imagine some is some not?

How did you get far of each and every step? And?

You argue, you English, your sensation aggrevating? MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2 never ending saying it. Today or this year you got one more, I never mentioned its at my brother's.

Do you utilize and resource other than your current communication methods, your localize, where Skype or Zoom exclusive, were your all around neighborhood, the city hall, the scene where are any local distribution resourced by utilized upon?

    You relocated, where?

    You have out of the touch, what is the new activities you could track your year by whom's 74,75,76,77,78, 79.... Anna finish hers, or begins her Slam Dunk in 2021? 

    What discussion to that per weekly meeting you schedule with whom, the old or the NEWER environment where their input to this were? 

    You found any local church or some member of different organization has any one saying about this?

    You persuade whom participate next by you, you successful or not

    You represent the Wayne Organization (2 weeks notice), and which of this contactee you could provide the name or the phone numbers?

    What you have carried this far since 2021, to that adjcent one Smallville overall opening theme, you seeing your any identifier just happened to be in it. The person, the look, the height.

    You have planning your own future, how does this experience incorperate to more people you talk to, to more resource at local you make friends, to more branching out = reaching out the community more so in the phone communication, in the direct contact, in the fund raising event, to join the local bank the music pamphlet, I am the customer to them, my mother is. Its not the annual ball room. Its a sponsor activities they doing it per yearly?

    What do you observe your own environment to where you could share this experience with, in this MD 6+1 or if separate to MD 4+2 when meeting to show up, you have one piece of paper? 





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