
Like I say on the facebook, you might all gather near to see each other just like that one semester the lunch before the UB Koshi

Similar longer table we were than that TV, the sandwich shop and without Lee or me.

You remember the UB Koshi place it’s every year a lot of these groups of students all gather to eat. And for some reason, that 5 o’clock afterwards a real food table eating out will save you all heart, the human affection to go near the guys or girls in the vicinity body fragment.

One day, you will one by one moving out of that city. Probably something like that. It’s everyday next 40 years, you try to impress to whom will be less and less, because your parents gonna die. You say you anticipate that, but when you are alone just like now, that money you feeling it the air is alone. You didn’t think its anything difference. You are alone that time still, every weekend still trying to go out, love games, meeting something new. You are. It’s a fun games until the hair turn grey or the debts not the money piles up. 

You didn’t think the hair turn grey or wrinkle will come, or your first medical bill. The ambulance needs money one hip falls. You still very competitive like I say, that wrinkle and grey hair comes but…you didn’t ask your parents when you should.

You didn’t have that sheet why someone’s give you free help at all. You take it for granted anyway. 

You could just shut off my Pinterest right now a week, a month, that time you will shut off the connection you and me. 

Things between right or wrong, you need Ronan says or?

Things between easy and trash over someone anyway overweight so fat, you, oops, step over cannot see.

Things between the reality someone capable and none capable. 

It’s the IQ problem you trying to survive a brand new world finally without any help. Your Lords say, your Gods says, your vision says, you want to say ALL my birds say? It’s one of us didn’t hear but you will agree it’s forever I cannot be testified it.

Til the day you die, I am very very sure you know where you all gonna ends up together !!

It won’t be forever, you just wish not eternal. 

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